
Shirt Inside Dress Suit Fashion For Job Application

Choosing shirt inside suit is important too because it show unique character of each person. If choose from design and color, it can show your emotion and attitude but white color can miscible with every color.

1. White Shirt
is a magic mantra. when dressed, look white clean mind. you can change atmosphere by changing collar form.

(*from left)
- standard shirt by Elite model is well miscible with V-shaped collar and 4 buttons suite. (look excellent and creative when dressed)
- wing collar shirt by ATELIER SAP. shirt shape is quite wide.(look tidy when dressed)
- wing collar shirt by FINAL STAGE. (look outstanding than the other)

- robe at neck shirt. (added sweetness with ribbon or robe)
- tuck shirt have vertical stripe at chest. suits for small head person. ( simple design )
- opened collar shirt, help head look smaller ( look comfortable and fresh )
- Gathers form shirt. comfortable to wear especially chest part. ( deep neck collar, look self-confident)

2. Color Shirt
If the interview is not about the financial, you can wear color shirt.

- blue shirt by MOGA. feel comfortable look and mind. ( look fresh when dressed )
- cute yellow shirt. ( want to be younger... )
- apple green shirt, expression of your own ( help change atmosphere )
- pink shirt is very popular color when apply. ( look fresh face when wore )

3. Stripe Pattern Shirt
some person may don't like white color shirt because too simple, so the exit is this stripe pattern shirt.

- green stripe. this pattern is beautiful, make the person who dressed is good-looking (this style emphasizes excellently of shirt )
- gray stripe shirt by skipper type, look fresh and facile (suits for pant suit )
- brown stripe shirt by last scene ( look a little serious but charming )

4. Fold Collar Shirt
look more feminine and suits for v-shaped collar suit

- white shirt with to fold at collar very suits for dress suit and looke more beautiful (look not too sweet)
- blue shirt with to fold at the collar very suits for v-shaped collar suit ( bright color shirt and to fold are very suits together)
-stripe pattern and fold collar shirt by Atelier sap, can use to many occasion after finish the interview. (look really lordliness and good taste)

this shirt make me look more serious ...


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