Sawajiri Erika Hairstyle
a spark beautiful curl hair, Pinup Girl style
a pretty lovely perm hair is popular
fluffy thick perm hairstyle is pretty and charming
Erika Sawajiri is a beautiful actress. not only outstanding in semblance and dressing but her drama works is outstanding and popular too. with half-caste of French-Japanese cause her has sweet beautiful face, suits fluffy thick perm hairstyle. besides advise Erika hairstyle, add decoration with head band for bright pretty
- black hairpin
- bow head band
Steps :
1. use curl iron, curl from tip 2 round in horizontal
2. curl the top section in horizontal
3. catch hair region between ear, leave bangs
4. pick top section up to Pompadour and be careful not too tall fluffy.
5. use black hairpin hold tip hair at root of Pompadour, then stick head band and arrange to cover black hairpin
6. pick the top section up, then comb from tip to root for increasing volume
7. squirt Medium Hold spray on top section for keeping shape
8. unwrap spiral curl hair bouquet for thick fluffy
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