Beyonce Hairstyle
thick hair bouquet is beautiful and glamorous
curl mixed straight hair is fashionable
beautiful ponytails hair style mix with big curl hair look has volume and flutter
a sexy singer Beyonce has grammy award to guarantee her ability, besides she is not only outstanding in music works but also her movie works "Dream Girl" is kept an eye on from people around the world and Beyonce dressing style is outstanding too, especially hairstyle which is sexy and beautiful outstanding suits really Beyonce
- hair rubber band
- necklace
- black hair clip
1. gather hair to ponytails in high location and a little oblique to left side, then bind with rubber band, leave the front and around face section
2. necklace entwine root of ponytail hair, and arrange to beautiful, then black hair clip hold tightly
3. use curl iron, curl from tip to mid about half round and curl-in at around the face section
4. increase volume with catch ponytail up, then comb down to root
5. when it balance, bath wax and squeeze tip to spread
6. use roll brush at bangs for hair curve and beautiful shape
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